


Only The Shuster Group goes beyond the event development staples to offer full business-savvy content development AND world-class onstage event chairmanship.

High-quality content. It’s the only thing that really ‘wows’ a business audience. A beautiful stage and sound-system at an outstanding hotel venue are not enough to create a successful event. What happens on that stage matters most! And that is where The Shuster Group excels.

Scott Shuster
Scott is a conference facilitator with the marketing power of a keynote speaker:
9 years a foreign correspondent for ABC News
the former producer of National Public Radio's All Things Considered
chairman onstage of nearly every senior management event held by BusinessWeek magazine for the past 15 years

In addition to his work for these mass market and cross-industry brands, Scott is also associated with a number of industry-specific brands in banking, construction, defense, energy, healthcare, and information technology. Scott's wide-ranging background as a journalist and as a proven outstanding leader of business and governmental events lends credibility and the assurance of objectivity to the promotion of every event he leads.


Elaine S. Silver
Elaine Silver is the thinker behind many of the most notable and important industry events for company leaders. This unusual journalistic specialty places Elaine in high demand among clients ranging from The McGraw-Hill Companies to the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Veteran journalist.
Industry researcher.
Event creator with the broadest range of experience in developing live program content for the most senior corporate executives.

As a journalist, Elaine Silver’s articles have appeared in the New York Times, Business Week magazine, ENR, Design-Build, and other industry-specific publications. As a central figure of The Shuster Group, Elaine is responsible for the development of McGraw-Hill’s semi-annual “Top Firms Leadership Forum”, annual “Top 1000 Contractors Leadership Summit”, “Construction Summit”, and “Top 500 Design Firms Leadership Conference.”



Aida Colon
Aida is expert at management of all aspects of the event development challenge. As one of the central figures in the production of more than 100 BusinessWeek CEO-only, CFO-only and CIO-only meetings across the US, in China, Russia, and six other countries, Aida Colon has set a global standard of excellence in the organization, budgeting, pre-event management and on-site implementation of the world's most challenging events for senior corporate audiences.

Prior to joining BusinessWeek, Aida Colon was one of the leaders of the McGraw-Hill Corporate Conference Unit, providing meetings to BusinessWeek as well as other publications of The McGraw-Hill Companies. Before that she was in a similar role at Institutional Investor magazine, where she was one of the leaders of the very first magazine-sponsored series of CEO-only events.
